Required Legal Notices
Affordable Housing Round 4 Resolution (pdf)
Date Change Legal Notice Feb.docx
RFP Assessment.docx
Legal Notice RFP's.docx
2022 Legal Notices
2021 Legal Notices
2020 Clerk's Office
2015 to 2019
Planning Board
Planning Board Mtg. Nov. 17

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the notice requirements of the Open Public Meeting Act this shall serve as public notice that effective on the following dates the UNION BEACH PLANNING BOARD meetings will be held IN PERSON AND via teleconference at 7:00pm (workshop) 7:30 (regular meeting): Wednesday, October 28, 2020 Tuesday , November 17, 2020 Monday , December 14, 2020 Members of the public who wish to participate in the meetings shall use the following information to join the meeting: using Zoom: ID: 287709

Meeting ID 892 9446 0664 Passcode: 287709

Dial in number: 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 892 9446 0664 Passcode: 287709 If any member of the public wishes to be recognized or offer comments during the teleconference they are asked to advise the Board Secretary by emailing or calling 732-264-2277 during regular business hours no later than 3:30 p.m. on the meeting date.